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Black Belt Fight Music presents: Deester in "The Game&q
Lähetetty: 09.05.2006, 02:07
Kirjoittaja Deester
The Game
Coming soon to a speaker near you.
Lähetetty: 09.05.2006, 13:18
Kirjoittaja Teknojta
Good shit.. the Rude Awakeningish "melodyline" didn't really do it for me though.
Lähetetty: 09.05.2006, 13:43
Kirjoittaja Abandoned Soul
Hmm...This track sounds like always...different..but i didn't quite like this one..last one was better what i have heart from you..:S But this ain't bad at all..I don't know what else to say..littlebit Boring to my taste thou...Nice sounds. Kick was a littlebit dissapointment..But it is a good track..not the best but nice work!
Lähetetty: 12.05.2006, 21:05
Kirjoittaja Deester
It's a good thing that we have a difference in taste.
Otherwise my label would be dead by now
Thanks for the response dudes!
I appreciate it!