The Factory Presex – Die Demo_02 - Planet Presex

Keskustelua uusista ja vanhoista nettijulkaisuista (MP3, FLAC, WAV jne.) jotka ovat jaossa ilmaiseksi.

Valvojat: rottencreep, Teknojta, OrZo

Viestit: 2214
Liittynyt: 01.01.1970, 02:00
Paikkakunta: Tampere

The Factory Presex – Die Demo_02 - Planet Presex

Viesti Kirjoittaja Teknojta »

The Factory Presex – Die Demo_02 - Planet Presex - VÖ:Fr.13th.Jan 2012

A lot of the People are wishing themself a nice Year(2012), maybe te people are expacting something like a better Time this Year. It`s soething like a Beatdown out there, but at The Factory Presex Studio it`s all about the Mastering for the new Trax from the "Demo_02" and a 5% Alc. drink, Yeah!

"Planet Presex is making you feeling the Atmosphere in the digital World from the Planet Presex. And like You know the People from the Planet Presex are getting normal too again! ;) The Time on the Planet is endless and the People are free of Psycho-Clichés!!!

The Factory Presex – Die Demo_02 - Planet Presex - (01-01-2012)
1.Minutes on Earth II
2.Planet Presex XY-Mix
3.Mother Earth!
4.Xperiment of the Idea! (Idea F-X!)
5.Brainwash People In Public
6.Alive Try
7.Besonderes Unendlich
8.Stearship Nights Alive_Vocal-Mix
9.Sister(s) of Salvation
10.A Sound is Nowhere!
11.RealitY Song-Beat
12.Overcome Things_das Outro
13.Alive Try_Vocal-Mix
Lataus: ...

Darkwave vaikutteista psykedeelistä settiä, tulee vähän kasari/ysäri lapsuus mieleen. Joissain raidoissa pirteää säröbassoa ja speedcorea. Mielenkiintoinen tapaus :)