5.7. Company Fuck, No Xivic @ Ostium, Turku

Mainostusta, keskustelua ja raportteja *core (pitoisista) tapahtumista Suomessa.

Valvojat: rottencreep, Teknojta, OrZo

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Viestit: 483
Liittynyt: 29.11.2005, 15:25

5.7. Company Fuck, No Xivic @ Ostium, Turku

Viesti Kirjoittaja Valovoima »

Live Action!

Wednesday 5 July 2006, 20-23

COMPANY FUCK (Australia)
one-man speedcore noise metal

NO XIVIC (Finland)
concrete dark ambient noise

tickets 3 EUR.
no age limit. no bar.

OSTIUM / Some Place Else
Itäinen Pitkäkatu 34, Turku

Flyer + updates:


COMPANY FUCK aka Scott Sinclair : http://www.halftheory.com/sinclair/

Company Fuck is a one-man speedcore metal band from Brisbane, Australia.
The music mashes together digital noise, low quality drum samples, and
ridiculous karaoke screaming to make extremely fast slabs of short,
aggressive, yet humorous noise metal. It's like early Napalm Death
meeting Destiny's Child through a ringer of Nihil Fist.

Previously in his hometown of Brisbane, Company Fuck played all manner
of fast beat records as DJ Monkeycunt and drums for improvised grindcore
band Masami Bin Laden. However he felt there was space for intensely
fast electronic metal using crunched electro beats without guitar sounds
- which is strange, considering he has played solo guitar shows
supporting folks like Whitehouse and Merzbow.

Company Fuck has supported folks like Ove-naxx, DJ Scotch Egg, Shitmat,
Gulpesh, The Society Suckers, Kunt, Toxic Lipstick, Toecutter, and XIAN.
Company Fuck is the brainchild of Scott Sinclair, who has been heavily
involved in the Australian experimental music scene at the highest and
lowest levels over many years and runs the Half/theory label which
releases difficult music and video art by Australian artists.

Review by Jason from fasterlouder:
"The first of the three acts was Company Fuck, which consisted of a tall
slim lad from the Gold Coast, his laptop, two mics, a mixer and some
effects. Despite starting his set late, the growing crowd of students,
punks and other arty lunatics were treated to a set of mashed up Drill n
Bass mixed with Breakcore broken up with Gabba basslines, all slashed
apart then respliced together into a jagged pile. If that all means
nothing to you, imagine the sound of cutlery in a washing machine being
thrown down a flight of stairs. In a good way."


NO XIVIC as described by Onyxia - http://www.onyxia.org :

Henkka Kyllönen is no Xivic, the alter ego of his labworks, both the
musical physicist and pharmacist who, prepares his own pharmaceuticals
before handing over the prescriptions to himself. He studied music
theory and piano when he was in Oulu Conservatory of Music and Dance for
14 years (1985-1999), and got his Music School Diploma from there. This
Finnish ingenious multi-talented artist started to produce his own music
in 1996, but dwelled consciously in the dark until his own time had
come, to rise as shadows and to haunt your mind with flaming dark
vibrations of minimalistic dark ambient/noise soundscapes. The time is
now, but the story lies in wait until you decide to pick this pill. Dark
mental ambient state of mind!


Some Place Else : http://www.someplaceelse.net/

mail: P.O. Box 685, 20101 Turku, Finland.
shop: Itäinen pitkäkatu 34, Turku, Finland.
email: niko@someplaceelse.net
gsm: +358 50 5972105
Viestit: 2206
Liittynyt: 01.01.1970, 02:00
Paikkakunta: Tampere

Viesti Kirjoittaja Teknojta »

No oliko hyvää? :)
Viestit: 483
Liittynyt: 29.11.2005, 15:25

Viesti Kirjoittaja Valovoima »

No Xivic toimii aina. Mut ei tuo Company Fuck pahemmin vakuuttanut, ei se varsinaisesti mitään speedcorea ollut. Tyyppi käytti vain paljon tremoloefektiä päästellessään äänimikkeihin.
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